Structure of an Egg:
- The egg structure is composed of shell, membrane, Aircell, egg white, egg yolk, and the chalaza.
- The egg white forms 2/3rd of the whole egg whereas egg yolk covers only 1/3rd of the egg.
- The eggshell is hard and brittle and is either white or brown, it is composed of calcium, magnesium carbonate, and calcium phosphate. It has pores that help in the exchange of gases. The shell has a covering of cuticle or bloom which blocks the pores and prevent moisture loss and bacterial contamination.
- The membrane line the shell and forms two outer and inner semi-permeable membranes.
- The membrane forms the air cell at the large end of the cell.
- Egg white has 1/8th of protein which is known to be albumin and the rest of the egg white is water.
- The egg yolk is the unfertilized embryo, it is yellow. The vitelline membrane helps to separate the yolk from the white.
- Chalaza's function is to hold the yolk in place i.e. at the center of the egg
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