Fruits Vegetables Milk Eggs
Vegetables are plants or parts of plants that are, used as food. The term vegetable has though usage Come to apply in a more narrow Sense to those plants as parts of plant that are sored so or Cal) cooked as a Part of the main couse of a meal vegetables Supply many nutrients besides Providing variety to the diet. They make the Food attractive by their Colour ,texture, flavour. Vegetables are. classified into 3 group: - 1 Green-leafy vegetables 2) Roots ? tubers. 3) other vegetables. •Nutritive value of green - leafy vegetables: - Generally green leafy vegetables are good sources of vit-le minerals. They are excellent in carotenes which are converted to vit A inthe body. Greens are good sources of B-Vit Particularly riboflavin and folic acid . Greenleafy vegetables are also rich in iron re Provent anaemia. Greens are not good sources of Protein, fat?
Carbohydrate and hence they do not contribute to the energy value of food Gaven are good source of fibre which hell in Preventing degenerative diseases. Roots @tubers - Roots 2 tubers give more calories comPared to green-leafy vegetables because they contain more starches. Carrots tubers are fairly good sources of vite They are Poor Sources of Calcium son vitB. They are post Source of protein other vegetables - They contain high amount of moisture re hence they are highly Perishable. They are fandy good source of vite They Contribute to the fibre content of the diet.
•Role -They are used in Curries, salad le in Sambar. They are used as garnishing agent They are used as Stutting in Samosa and parathas. They are used as thickening agents in gravies
and soups They are used in chutney and pickles.
MiKisa Campound liquids which Contain fat in emulsion forn, pastein in Calloidal state 2 lactose as trie 30l9, Milk is a sich Source of energy. The enorgy values of diff mille Constituents are as follocas: - fat -9.3 kcal/g Protein - 4. 1 kcal/g Sugar - 41 kcal/ g
• Homogenisation-The process of meducing a substance in milk, to extre moly Small particles Ze distributing it uniformly throughout a frid Such as milk when mine is poopedly homogenized, the cream willnst rise tothe toร. In milk , homogenisation reduces the awerage size of fat globules from 4 um to < lum thereby giving the milk a creamier texture. The increase in viscosity is due to the higher. number of globules Ze adsorption of Casein onto the globule Surfare
•Pasteurisation- Dezines its name fromthe french Scientish Lows Pasteur
Pasteuxisation is a process by which milk is heated to Specitie
-temperature for a set period of time to Kills harntul bacteria that Can lead to diseases like as typhoid, fever, tuberculosis. At present, Pasteurisation is considered as an essentialfeature in. the manutacture of butter , ice -cream and also in cheese industries. Pasteurisation also inactivates some of the natural enzymes like lipase.
* MilK is a Complex mixture oF lipids, Carbohydrates, protein and many other organic Compounds & Inorganic Salts dissolved in water the most variable Component of milk is a fat followed by protein.
•Fruits are produced from flowners and they ass the ripened ovary or ovaries of a plant together ith adjacent tissue. Fauits are freshy or pulpy in character often fuicy Re usually Sweet with fragrant azumatic flavours.
•Enzymatic Browning - The sapid dankering of the cut surface of apple. (sarjal
"Pe potato) & banana are example of enzymic. limosing. Nossally the natural enzymatic. Compounds present in intact tiesues and do not comointo Contactroith the phenol oxidases present in some tissues. when the tissues one cut or injurad and the cut surface is exposed to air, phenol oxidase enzyme released at the surface, act on the polyphe nols present oxidising them to orthoquinones. The ortho quinones rapidly polymerise to form broun pigment. Tyrosine, chlorogenic acid the various catching & Several mono & dihydrozphends are among the many compound that can serves as gubstrates for ori-dation by polyphendoxidase to cause broioning as dater discolouzation
in these Foods.
*prevention of enzymatic birsuning. enzymndic browning can be prevented eithet by anactivating the encyme or cutting off the oxygen. @ Temperature a change in PH O Use of antinzidant @ Prevention of Contact with orrgen
3) skarp blade.
* Composition of egg- Egg Consists of three main pasts, the shell, the egg white re the egg yolks.
1) Ovalbursin- This constitutes as % of the pinteins of egg white
"This is a phosphagly coprotein and is composed of three campona
Al, A2 , As cokich differ anly in phosphorus content )Conalbumin- This Constitudes 13% of the proteins of egg albumin.
It Consists of two forms neither of which contains phos phones ner
3) Ovamucaid - 14 is a glycoprotein. This Constitute about 10% of the egg white proteins.
4) Ovomucin - 14 contain 2% of egg white. Its content in the thick layers of albumin is about 4 times more than in thin lagers. It is. insoluble in water but soluble in dilute Salt Solution.
5) Lysozyme - Lysozyme Content of egg is 3. 5 %. This is an enzyme Capable of lysing or dissolving the cell wall of bacteria. It is heat sensitive.
6) Avidin - Avidin is 0•05 % of the egg white protein. It is denatured by heat 2 cooked eggs le do not attect the availabirty of biotin.
1) Ovoglobulen - 1+ is apsotein Consisting of too Components GI% G2 Re both are excellent foaming agents
8) Ovoinhibitor - 0:1 of egg protein is made up of Ovoinhibitor. It is another protein Capable of inhibiting Hypsin and chy motrypsin.
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