Meal planning

Meal planning 

Meal planning includes types and amounts of food, incorporating dietary fiber, understanding proper serving sizes, management of eating out and special occasions, as well as incorporating favorite recipes.

To improve food quality, household meals should be planned based on six principles; namely adequacy, balance, calorie (energy) control, nutrient density, moderation and variety. 

What is importance of meal planning?

Planning meals to prepare at home is a good way to improve your food choices. Planning can also help you avoid less healthy drive-through meals. A good place to start is MyPlate Plan. This tool calculates daily food group targets based on your age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity level. 

Regular meals and snacks allow for more opportunities in the day to give our body the energy and nutrients it needs to function optimally, allowing us to engage in all the things we need to do in the day.

Nutrition is a critical part of health and development. Better nutrition is related to improved infant, child and maternal health, stronger immune systems, safer pregnancy and childbirth, lower risk of non-communicable diseases (such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease), and longevity.

  • Objectives in Meal planning

Meals outside home is eaten in a diversified plans. Each is planned to meet the need of customer/clientele. Eating outside home is becoming more and more popular bacause of many reasons, one of which is women employment outside home, mashrooming of food joints of various type in land around, the anxiety to try new foods, unfamiliar to palette, the crave for eating different types of food in increasing among the young and middle age population.

Any place where food is served, may not be essentially cooked but served only is called a canteen, but it should ba a regular feature and not occasional, and this is referre to as canteen but purely temporary in nature. In a canteen same group may be served every day for example institutional/educational canteen. But in restaurant where different people are served foods. This group may be a heterogeneous type, but not homogeneous like in institutional canteen. Based on institution this objectives of different types of canteens differ .

The objective would be based on different factors which are

Age groups


Type of work / activity

Place of work or accessibility to the market or eating place

People to be served

Economic conditions

Surrounding area

There are basic objective for any type of canteen. Which are common to any food eating outlets.

To provide food which is clean and wholesome for the clintelle

To provide a balanced food not only nutritious but balanced in variety. These two facts can be used in any type of canteens.

To maintain the cost of food which is very reasonable and satisfying to the clintelle. In addition to general objective for each type of canteen there may be specific objective for each type of canteen.

  • The Factors affecting for Menu Planning

The factors responsible for menu planning can be broadly divided into two. They are

Factors relating to the guests: Age, Sex, Occupation, Nutritional needs, Food preference

Factors relating to food service management: Deals with type,service, No to be served, equipment availability, No of experienced employees, distribution of work,availability and seasonality of food budget.

Meal outside house is eaten in diversified places. Each food service is planned to meet the needs or demands of customer.

In food service institutes, it’s primary objective is selling

The common and major aid/ sales tool in selling food is the MENU

The menu should be an extension of the 3 policies of a food service institution i.e.




Menu informs customers in a clear way of what is available to them which in turn gives satisfaction to the customer

Well planned and presented commercial menu makes it possible to plan for a profit

Aids in controlling the cost in non commercial institutes

Application of design, layout, typography and graphics can effectively complement the atmosphere and type of service and will be a useful sales medium.

Good menu assists customers by gaining their confidence and putting them at ease

Poor menu deterrent to sales ignorance and fear by the customer. 


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