Fruits Vegetables Milk Eggs
Vegetables are plants or parts of plants that are, used as food. The term vegetable has though usage Come to apply in a more narrow Sense to those plants as parts of plant that are sored so or Cal) cooked as a Part of the main couse of a meal vegetables Supply many nutrients besides Providing variety to the diet. They make the Food attractive by their Colour ,texture, flavour. Vegetables are. classified into 3 group: - 1 Green-leafy vegetables 2) Roots ? tubers. 3) other vegetables. •Nutritive value of green - leafy vegetables: - Generally green leafy vegetables are good sources of vit-le minerals. They are excellent in carotenes which are converted to vit A inthe body. Greens are good sources of B-Vit Particularly riboflavin and folic acid . Greenleafy vegetables are also rich in iron re Provent anaemia. Greens are not good sources of Protein, fat? Carbohydrate and hence they do not contribute to the energy value of food Gaven are good source of fibre which hell in Pr...